I have been wanting to make vegan cheese for a long time, I never tried a vegan cheese before, this was my first time attempting to make some. I think it tastes really good, it has a slight hummus taste even thought there are no chickpeas in this recipe!

This is also my first ever recipe blog post haha.    
I am home for my summer break and I plan on working on this blog, creating a lot of plant based recipes.


1/3 cup raw cashews

1cup water

1 Cup boiled potatoes 

3 tbsp Nutritional yeast 

1/2 tsp paprika

1/2 tsp cumin

1 tsp salt

2 tbsp lemon juice

2 1/2 tbsp Agar agar + 1 cup water


1. Soak cashews in 1 cup of boiling water for about 15 minutes

2. Add the cashews with its water to a blender along with the potatoes, lemon juice, nutritional yeast, salt and spices. Blend until you get a very smooth paste and leave it in the blender.

3. Place a cup of water and the agar agar in a saucepan over medium heat and stir for about 5 minutes until it thickens up.

4. Pour the agar agar mixture into the blender and mix everything until its well combined.

5. Transfer the mixture into moulds. You can grease them with a few drops of olive oil to make it easier to unmold.  ( Any container will work as a mould for this recipe)

6. Refrigerate for about and hour and remove it from the moulds.

Receta en Español

Queso Vegano fácil y rápido


1/3 Taza de castañas naturales + 1 taza de agua

1 Taza de papas hervidas

3 cdas. de levadura natural en copos

1/2 cdita. de pimentón dulce

1/2 cdita. de comino

1 cdita. de sal

2 cdas. de jugo de limón

2 1/2 cads de Agar Agar


1.Remojar las castañas en 1 taza de agua por aproximadamente 15 minutos

2. Poner las castañas remojadas y el agua en la licuadora junto con las papas, el jugo de limón, sal y especias. Licuar hasta obtener una mezcla homogénea y dejarla en la licuadora.

3. En una olla poner el agar agar con una taza de agua y revolver a fuego medio por aproximadamente 5 minutos hasta que espese.

4. Verter la mezcla de agar agar en la licuadora y licuar.

5. Transferir la pasta obtenida a moldes. Se puede engrasarlos con gotitas de aceite de oliva para que desmoldar el queso sea más fácil.

6. Llevar a la heladera por aproximadamente una hora y desmoldar.